The testicles are the part of a male’s body that produce testosterone and make sperm. As a part of a man’s reproductive system, testicular conditions can cause issues dealing with hormonal imbalances, sexual dysfunction, and infertility. Because there are no bones or muscles protecting the testicles, they become susceptible to injury, especially during high-impact sports.  

Scrotal And Testicular Conditions

Some testicular conditions are more common than others, while others are more dangerous. Being educated on which disorders can affect you is the first step in ensuring excellent overall health. If you need to speak with a trusted urologist about testicular conditions or have questions about your symptoms, trust Alliance Urology for expert care! Continue reading to learn about 7 of the more common scrotal and testicular conditions.  

  1. Spermatocele

Spermatoceles are small, fluid-filled masses that grow near the testicles. These masses are usually painless and often benign. Spermatocele can cause no symptoms at all and sometimes the lumps are barely noticeable. Because some men experience no pain and the cysts pose no harm, treatment is rarely needed. However, should the spermatocele be bothersome, there are several treatment options including anti-swelling medication, oral pain medication, and in some cases, aspiration or sclerotherapy. 

  1. Testicular Cancer

The testicles serve two main functions for men— making male hormones, such as testosterone, and making sperm for procreation. Signs of a testicular tumor can include:

  • A painless lump on the testicle
  • Pain or painless swelling 
  • Feeling “weight” in the scrotum 
  • Testicle pain or achiness
  • Changes to the male breast tissue 

Luckily, testicular cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer, and with early diagnosis, testicular cancer can be cured. Treatments may include surgery, chemotherapy medications, hormone medications, or medical procedures such as radiation therapy. 

  1. Epididymitis And Orchitis 

Testicular conditions such as epididymitis and orchitis are often described as pain or swelling in or near the back of the testicle(s). Epididymitis and orchitis are most commonly due to bacterial or viral infections, but the cause in some cases can be unknown. The treatment for these testicular conditions usually includes a course of antibiotics.

  1. Hydrocele

When fluid fills a sac in the scrotum of the penis, it is called a hydrocele. Most hydroceles may develop for no apparent reason, but some of the risk factors may include infection, inflammation, or injury. This testicular condition is also very common in newborns. According to the Urology Care Foundation, about 10 in 100 male infants have a hydrocele at birth. Most hydroceles disappear on their own. However, if they do not, surgery may be required. 

  1. Testicular Torsion

Hence the name, testicular torsion is when a male’s testicles rotate or become twisted. This is one of the rarer testicular conditions and is often associated with severe pain and requires immediate emergency care. The more a testicle rotates, the more damage is caused due to the blockage of blood supply. The Mayo Clinic suggests this condition usually occurs after extended periods of vigorous physical activity or after an injury to the testicles and is most common in males between the ages of 12 and 18. 

There are a number of scrotal and testicular conditions to be on the lookout for. At Alliance Urology Specialists, our goal is to provide the highest level of specialized urology care. We utilize a team approach to be able to provide this care in the most complete and comprehensive way.  We offer patients convenient access to an elite team of experienced urologists, along with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options. For more questions about scrotal and testicular conditions, please call our office in Greensboro at (336) 274-1114, or schedule an appointment with one of our providers today.