a happy face placed in front of the bladder to represent how to prevent bladder problems

November marks the start of National Bladder Health Month, so in order to provide more information, we’re devoting this month to discuss the prevention and treatment of common bladder conditions. Bladder conditions are commonly overlooked or written off as normal, but there are ways that you can actively prevent bladder problems from forming. While not all factors that affect bladder health can be controlled, there are steps you can take to promote a healthy bladder. Here are some of the best ways to remain healthy and prevent bladder problems from forming:


Prioritizing your daily water intake and staying hydrated are fundamental to bladder health. Each part of your urinary system works to remove wastes from the body. Dehydration can cause ​​minerals to build up, leading to bladder inflammation. Bladder inflammation is one of the causes of urinary tract infections and other issues in the bladder. Staying hydrated can clear out this build-up, flush toxins from the body, and prevent bladder problems from forming.

Avoid Triggering Beverages

Limiting alcoholic and caffeinated beverages may also help prevent bladder problems. This is because both caffeine and alcohol may interfere with the way the body filters toxins. Alcohol also causes your body to release more water, which can lead to dehydration.

Exercise Your Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor therapy can treat a wide range of conditions, including urinary and bowel disorders, pain syndromes, postpartum rehabilitation, and more. Because dysfunction of the bladder can be attributed to imbalances in the pelvic floor or surrounding structures, pelvic floor therapy or exercising your pelvic floor muscles can help maintain a healthy bladder. 

Stay Regular

Some may be surprised to find that digestive disorders like constipation can impact urinary health. Constipation can cause a build-up of stool that can put pressure on the bladder. This pressure can cause the bladder not to fill or lead to contraction of the bladder. Constipation can also cause the bladder does not to empty completely.  

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Eating a healthy diet and exercising is key to living a healthy life, and it is also important for maintaining a healthy bladder. Physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, eating nutritional foods, and quitting smoking all benefit your urinary health in addition to numerous other systems in the body. All of these healthy habits not only can help prevent bladder problems from forming, but they may also help prevent constipation.

Take Your Time in the Bathroom

Ensuring that your bladder empties entirely and not holding in urine for a prolonged period of time are both simple ways to prevent bladder problems. Rushing when going to the bathroom can prevent the bladder from fully emptying, and holding urine in your bladder for too long can lead to weakened bladder muscles, which makes a bladder infection more likely. Taking your time in the bathroom also allows you to urinate in a relaxed position, making it easier to empty your bladder fully.

Be Mindful About What You Wear

What you wear is also a factor in ensuring good urinary health. Infections can occur when moisture and bacteria are trapped for a long period of time. This can take place when tight-fitting or nonbreathable clothing and undergarments are worn throughout the day. Instead of nylon, workout leggings, or tight jeans, try to choose cotton, loose-fitting clothing, so airflow can keep the area around the urethra dry.

Make an Appointment

To diagnose and treat any common problem related to the bladder or genitourinary system, schedule an appointment with one of our providers. Our team has years of experience treating issues pertaining to the urinary tract and bladder. Alliance Urology Specialists are here for you at any stage of life. For questions and inquiries, please call our office in Greensboro at (336) 274-1114.