erectile dysfunction

The human body is truly a masterpiece— allowing you to engage in all of your favorite activities and constantly be learning, Yet, even the most remarkable creations have their shortcomings. Take erectile dysfunction, where biology meets frustration. Erectile dysfunction is the most common sex problem that men report to their doctor, affecting roughly 30 million men. 

A Partner’s Guide To ED

When it comes to romantic relationships, there is no doubt that trust and communication play a large role. As a partner to someone who struggles with erectile dysfunction, it becomes even more essential to approach certain situations with compassion and kindness. Alliance Urology knows this best, which is why we have put together a partner’s guide for dealing with erectile dysfunction. 

  1. Educate Yourself On Erectile Dysfunction

One of the most supportive things you can do for your partner who struggles with erectile dysfunction is to educate yourself on the topic. Many folks refer to erectile dysfunction as an “old man’s” condition. However, this is far from the truth. The four main causes of ED include

  • Health conditions
  • Medications
  • Psychological factors
  • Lifestyle factors

Gaining insight into the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction can assist you in navigating the situation and providing support to your partner during this time. 

  1. Be Open To Communication

Having conversations about your partner’s erectile dysfunction can feel daunting, as you want to try to find the right words without making your partner feel ashamed or embarrassed. Cutting off all communication due to this issue can lead to hostility and sexual frustration. To minimize the likelihood of that happening, refrain from placing blame and ensure you are continuously providing reassurance. Communicate to your partner that you will make yourself available when they’re ready to discuss the issue. 

  1. Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle With Your Partner

Erectile dysfunction is a medical issue that can be the result of unhealthy lifestyle habits. Some habits that can lead to ED include smoking, lack of physical activity, being overweight or obese, eating an unhealthy diet, or excessive alcohol consumption. To help combat your partner’s lifestyle habits, opt to adopt a healthy lifestyle with them. For some men, making a few healthy lifestyle changes may solve the problem. Your urologist will help determine the most effective course of treatment for your condition. 

  1. Be Supportive

Erectile dysfunction is a prevalent issue among men and should not be interpreted as a lack of attractiveness or weakness. Moreover, it is crucial to approach this situation delicately, providing gentle encouragement for open communication and respecting their need for personal space when required. By offering support, you can collaboratively address and find solutions to this challenge as a team.

  1. Encourage Professional Help

When erectile dysfunction happens, it’s hard to ignore. That’s why getting professional support can be helpful for both you and your partner. To diagnose erectile dysfunction, healthcare professionals will ask a series of questions about your vascular health as well as your erection problem and complete a physical exam. 

There are several different ways that erectile dysfunction can be treated. For some men, making a few healthy lifestyle changes may solve the problem. Your urologist will help determine the most effective course of treatment for your condition. Standard treatment options for ED include:

  • Oral medications
  • Penile shockwave therapy
  • Vacuum erection devices 
  • Medications that can be inserted or injected into the penis
  • Penile implants

To diagnose and treat any common problem related to the bladder or genitourinary system, including erectile dysfunction, schedule an appointment with one of our providers. Our team has years of experience treating issues pertaining to the urinary tract, bladder, and male reproductive system. For questions and inquiries, please call our office in Greensboro at (336) 274-1114.