Category: Kidney Stones

October 30, 2023

Changing Your Diet to Prevent Kidney Stones

For those who have experienced the agonizing condition that is a kidney stone, preventing its recurrence becomes a top priority. But what if you could take control of your kidney health and reduce the risk of kidney stone formation through simple dietary adjustments? There are a number of ways changing your diet to prevent kidney […]

July 29, 2022

5 Tips to Relieve Kidney Stones

The organs of the urinary system include the kidneys, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, and urethra. These five organs act as your body’s drainage system, working in harmony for normal urination. Any disruption in the routine function of your urinary tract can cause disorders such as interstitial cystitis, kidney failure, urinary tract infections, or kidney stones.  At […]

March 15, 2022

How a Urologist Can Benefit Your Kidney Health

The month of March is Kidney Cancer Awareness Month, so we wanted to use our blog to bring awareness and explain how a urologist can benefit your kidney health. The providers at Alliance Urology Specialists have years of experience diagnosing and treating kidney stones, kidney cysts, and kidney cancer. To help you make informed decisions […]

October 14, 2021

How a Urologist Can Help with Kidney Stones

When it comes to kidney stones, many patients aren’t sure which specialist to see for treatment. While a nephrologist specializes in diseases of the kidneys, urologists provide comprehensive care of the genitourinary system. Even though kidney stones form in the kidneys, they are passed with urine, making a urologist an ideal provider to diagnose and […]